clinical supervision therapy counselling leeds

Starting Supervision Training

Ethically, all Counsellors and Psychotherapists are required to have regular clinical supervision alongside seeing clients, no matter where they work. Supervision is a confidential space where therapists can discuss and explore their work, with the focus being on the therapist’s responses, interventions, and internal process.   I’ve found supervision can be invaluable as a safe […]

How to Respond When Someone Discloses Sexual Abuse

How to respond when someone tells you they’ve experienced sexual abuse…   Thank them for telling you Disclosure is not an easy thing to do. Saying ‘thank you’ actively recognises the huge step someone has taken to ask for help, and acknowledges what they’ve been through.   Listen with empathy & without critique We’ve all […]

Managing your mental health as a queer person this Christmas

Managing your mental health as a queer person this Christmas… 1) Queering time with family over Christmas For some LGBTQ+ people, spending time with biological family members over Christmas is stressful because of their LGBTQ+ identity not being known, understood, or affirmed. Being ‘closeted’ because you’re forced to (whatever the reason), or choosing to be […]

Women and Depression

Due to hormones and the complex nature of women’s bodies, they face many issues from childhood to old age. Men don’t have to face even 10 percent of women’s problems. Women have been treated as a weak section of society and denied equal rights for ages. Women have complex bodies, and they experience frequent changes […]

Mental Health In Context

Mental health in context… It’s impossible to work with mental health as something that’s purely in our minds, especially in the current socio-political climate. If I’m asked ‘What’s the hardest thing about your job?’ it’s coming up against systemic oppression, disempowerment, and inequality. It is difficult to maintain a state of good mental health (whatever […]

What are trauma and PTSD

What are trauma and PTSD… It can be confusing and distressing to not have a name for what you’re experiencing mentally and physically. ‘Post-traumatic stress disorder’ (PTSD) is a medical, diagnostic term for the range of: behaviours, psychological and somatic reactions, and relational difficulties that may be experienced in the aftermath of a traumatic event. […]