Pre-Trial Therapy

I offer training, writing, and speaking services (media, interviews, presentations) on the topic of pre-trial therapy. Such support is based on clinical work, service management, survivor interviews, and activism in this area.

'Pre-trial therapy' is a term set by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), referring to their own legal guidelines on how therapy notes may be requested and used as evidence in criminal proceedings (to view click here).

My aim is to demystify the topic, empowering practitioners and their clients to navigate the criminal justice process whilst increasing access to confidential therapy. Working within the ethical and trauma-informed principles of choice, consent, and collaboration assists in this process.

If you’d like to read about working pre-trial as a counsellor or psychotherapist, see my book.

If you are the victim / survivor of a crime who is seeking therapeutic support whilst navigating the criminal justice process, see the 'psychotherapy' page.

Support to Work Pre-Trial with Clients

  • What pre-trial therapy is (and isn't)
  • Summary of the criminal justice system
  • CPS guidelines: legacy and current version
  • Contracting and note-taking
  • Managing requests and court orders for therapy notes
  • Working within ethical frameworks, GDPR and ICO regulations
  • Empowering clients via consent, choice, and collaboration
  • Survivor experiences of reporting and barriers to disclosure