‘Coming Out’ – What Does It Mean? Recently I was invited to speak about coming out in later life on Anna Richardson’s podcast ‘It Can’t Just Be Me’. Her guest was Dr. Ranj Singh, who was married to a woman for several years before coming out to her as gay. Anna is part of the […]
Managing your mental health as a queer person this Christmas
Managing your mental health as a queer person this Christmas… 1) Queering time with family over Christmas For some LGBTQ+ people, spending time with biological family members over Christmas is stressful because of their LGBTQ+ identity not being known, understood, or affirmed. Being ‘closeted’ because you’re forced to (whatever the reason), or choosing to be […]
Gender, Sex, and Relationship Diversity
Gender, sex, and relationship diversity… The mental health system has a legacy of pathologising and attacking those who are not heterosexual and/or cisgender. Over the years I have shaped my work to actively include LGBTQ+ people, knowing that safe access to mental health care should be offered to all. As psychotherapists we are tasked with […]
Psychological Wellbeing of British Gay Pakistani Muslim Males
Psychological Wellbeing of British Gay Pakistani Muslim Males… The article below provides some important information on the experiences of British, Gay, Pakistani, Muslim Males (BGPMM) in various social contexts, with regard to how their multi-identities interact. The research author, Muhammed Ali discusses his own position to the research, as well as it’s implications. “I wish I […]
What Does It Mean To Be An LGBT+ or Queer-Affirmative Psychotherapist?
Although all counsellors and psychotherapists are ethically required to act in a non-discriminatory way, this isn’t enough to fully meet the hugely diverse needs of the LGBT+ community. There is much more that needs to be done to not only welcome and support, but affirm, each LGBT+ person we meet. Here are some ways I […]
Queering Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy and counselling are supposed to provide a safe space for people to explore what they really think and feel, especially around the things they struggle with. But what if this isn’t as easy as it sounds? My experience in working with people who identify under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella is that they have to choose […]