About Erene

Therapy Leeds Erene Headshot

As an Integrative Psychotherapist I offer weekly appointments to support people to make changes through talking therapy. I also offer supervision as a trainee Supervisor. My approach is collaborative, pro-active, and focused on making changes with you.

I understand the importance of respect, autonomy, empowerment, and kindness in working with people. Accessing mental health support is rarely straightforward, so I bear this in mind as needed when working with you.

You are welcome to access my services however you identify. This includes members of the LGBT+ community, and people of any cultural and ethnic heritages. My role includes acting as an ally, using a non-judgemental and non-pathologising viewpoint to understand your sense of self, lived experiences, and mental health.

Since 2010 my working experience includes: delivering one-to-one psychotherapy and counselling in a variety of settings (online and in-person), setting up and co-ordinating therapeutic services, and offering community-based support for people who find it difficult to access mental health services.

Areas I can support you with include: understanding and managing emotions, depression, anxiety, personal development, personal identity, relationships, and trauma. My professional focus is with people of any gender who have experienced sexual violence, including those who are navigating the criminal justice system.

Outside of appointments I am an author, speaker, trainer, and activist. I believe in taking up my social responsibility as a Psychotherapist to work towards societal change on issues that negatively affect our communities. In this I recognise that systemic issues have real-life implications for people who are societally marginalised, disempowered, and oppressed - many of which are the reasons why people seek psychotherapy.

Further information on my working experience is at the bottom of this page. To attend events and training I’m involved in, click here.

I use a range of theories to work with a diverse range of people. Primarily these are: psychodynamic, attachment, and intersubjectivity theory. We can explore how your past affects your present including how specific life events may have influenced you.

This is supported by: trauma-informed, embodied, intersectional, anti-oppressive, and queer-supportive perspectives. All of these provide a context by which to understand individuals within social structures, including how everyday life can be difficult – which affects our mental health.

All of this is delivered within a relational perspective, meaning that we can consider the relationship you have with different facets of your identity/sense of self and lived experiences. This can extend to how you experience and manage relationships with other people.

I am a member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the Metanoia Institute.

As part of being an LGBTQ+ supportive practitioner, I am an Advanced Accredited Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Diversities Therapist (Pink Therapy).

All genders and sexualities are valid. Conversion practices (including therapeutic interventions to change one's sexuality and/or gender) are not a part of my services. Such practices intended to change ones’ sexuality and/or gender are unethical and cause harm. Research to evidence this is available here.

If you have questions, you can view the FAQs page here or contact me.

  • MSc Integrative Psychotherapy (Metanoia Institute)
  • Clinical Diploma in Integrative Psychodynamic Counselling (Metanoia Institute)
  • Certificate in Counselling Skills (Metanoia Institute)
  • Diploma in Gender, Sexuality, and Relationship Diversity Therapy (Pink Therapy)
  • Clinical Supervision Diploma - to be completed in 2024 (Scarborough Counselling & Psychotherapy Training Institute)

All trainings undertaken at the Metanoia Institute are validated by Middlesex University.

  • Member of United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (Humanistic & Integrative College)
  • Member of Metanoia Institute

Creating & Co-Ordinating Specialist Services Alongside Delivering Psychotherapy & Counselling:

  • Support After Rape & Sexual Violence Leeds (SARSVL)
  • Together Women Project Leeds

Psychotherapy and Counselling:

  • Barnsley Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Services (BSARCS)
  • The Tuke Centre, York
  • NHS Psychology & Psychotherapy Therapy Service Leeds
  • Women's Counselling & Therapy Service Leeds
  • University of Bradford Student Counselling Service
  • University of Leeds Student Counselling Centre
  • Metanoia Counselling and Psychotherapy Service

Clinical Supervision:

  • Galop LGBT+ Anti-Abuse Charity
  • Therapy Leeds

Observational Work & Clinical Team Support:

  • Clifton House Low Secure Forensic Service, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Intensive Community Services, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Crisis Assessment Service, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Project Management & Administration:

  • Complex Trauma Therapist's Network (CTTN)
  • Freedom from Torture Yorkshire & Humberside
  • Leeds Mind Wellbeing Service

I have experience in working with a wide range of difficulties, including:

  • Abuse (Emotional/Psychological, Physical, Sexual)
  • Relationships
  • Personal Self-Development and Self-Identity
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sexual Violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Trauma
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Areas Specific to LGBTQ+ Persons
  • Crown Prosecution Service Guidelines on 'Pre-Trial Therapy' (having an active report, investigation, or trial in the criminal justice system whilst accessing therapy / managing legal requests for therapy notes)

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