How to respond when someone tells you they’ve experienced sexual abuse… Thank them for telling you Disclosure is not an easy thing to do. Saying ‘thank you’ actively recognises the huge step someone has taken to ask for help, and acknowledges what they’ve been through. Listen with empathy & without critique We’ve all […]
The Best Way To Choose A Private Therapist
When you feel burdened by your issues and life, it can feel as if no one in the world understands what you’re going through. That’s why it can be so difficult to seek professional help. However, with the proper support, thousands of people have benefited from therapy. If you’re ready to start exploring the idea […]
Benefits of Sexual Abuse Counselling and What Should You Look for When Hiring a Therapist?
Generally speaking, abuse is defined as the cruel, violent, and repeated treatment of a person, but there are many types of abuse. As a general rule, sexual abusers use their power (either perceived or real) in order to cause harm of a sexual nature. Sexual abuse cases are often characterized by power dynamics that can […]
Sexual trauma caused by sexual violence or abuse is harmful for both a girl and a boy. Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is commonly observed as a condition followed by anxiety, nightmares, and repetition of the events for nearly many months. Such symptoms are seen in sexual related PTSD where an individual comes in connection […]
Support Services for Survivors
Support Services for Survivors… It’s important to recognise that the impact of sexual violence can be as varied as each survivor who experiences it. I’d like to #ShoutOutForSurvivors who have specific experiences and/or parts of their identity that need to be included in the support received, when they’re ready to receive it. Revenge Porn Helpline […]
My Book Has Arrived
My book has arrived! Very excited to let you know that the past ten years of my psychotherapeutic work with survivors of sexual violence is now in book form. ‘Psychotherapy with Survivors of Sexual Violence: Inside and Outside the Room’ covers this issue from a gender-neutral and empowerment-based perspective. The book includes case studies, and […]
Empowerment in Psychotherapy
The final theme in my book covers how to promote empowerment in psychotherapy with survivors of sexual violence. This is especially important given that sexual violence is inherently disempowering as automatic survival responses come to life as fight, fight, or freeze in the moment. Afterwards these responses may keep happening, alongside a wider society that […]
How do we talk about experiences of abuse?
Abuse is a cognitive, emotional, and somatic process. As such, talking about abuse is a cognitive, emotional, and somatic process. Sometimes it spills out in an urgent way. Sometimes it’s slow and takes time. There can be vivid memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and physical sensations. These are the mind and body re-telling the story in a […]
I’m A Social Impact Star Award Nominee
Around a fortnight ago I received an e-mail from a network called Inspiring Women Changemakers to let me know I had been put forward by two of its members for an award. I spent a fair part of the following hour getting my head around the news, which was such a surprise. The timing marks […]
Enhancing Empowerment with Survivors of Sexual Violence
A note on language: the terms ‘sexual violence’, and ‘sexual abuse’ are used interchangeably in this blog. They are intended to reflect the wide range of ways that a person can be affected by non-consensual sexual contact. By its very nature, sexual abuse forces individuals to inhabit smaller spaces within themselves, their relationships, and the […]