If You Need Therapeutic Support In 2021…

Don’t wait to ask for help. Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of, especially during this pandemic where we have so little resources and normality to keep us going.

If you’re nervous about contacting a service, organisation, or individual psychotherapist/counsellor, then make use of the communication method you feel most comfortable with when you first make contact. This might be text or e-mail rather than a phone call.

If you need information to help you feel more confident, comfortable, and safe then it’s 100% okay to ask questions at any point. Support services and professionals are there for you, so you’re well within your rights to ask anything you’re unsure about.

You’re in control of the process which means you can stick with the process and practitioner for as little or as long as you want to. This includes seeking out a different person to work with at any point if you’re not getting what you need. The timing and length of having therapy needs to suit you.

If looking after your mental health includes working with psychotherapist/counsellor that actively incorporates perspectives that honour your personal identity then don’t settle for anything less. This could be a practitioner who is explicitly anti-racist, LGBT+ friendly, or of a specific religion/faith, for example.

There are many things that are hard to say out loud, let alone experience the difficult feelings that accompany them. You can say as much or as little as you want along the way, especially if you need to build trust before letting someone know the full picture.

Go at your own pace and expect that a support service or practitioner will respect this pace. Everyone is different.

Question the value of silence on your own as well as with your therapist, wherever possible. If silence during appointments is unhelpful to the point where you feel alone or that what you need is being overlooked, then it is okay to say so or move on to find someone who is more pro-active in their approach.

If you’d like to explore working with me then get in touch.