If You Need Therapeutic Support In 2021…

Don’t wait to ask for help. Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of, especially during this pandemic where we have so little resources and normality to keep us going. If you’re nervous about contacting a service, organisation, or individual psychotherapist/counsellor, then make use of the communication method you feel most comfortable with when […]

Understanding & Managing Suicidal Feelings & Thoughts

We can’t talk about mental health without talking about suicidal feelings and thoughts. Considering these as ‘extreme’ reactions or the more ‘extreme’ end of the mental health spectrum is dismissive of one’s intense suffering or struggle. Many people experience suicidal feelings and thoughts, including those who can get daily life done consistently well. There are […]

Managing Boundaries

Many people struggle with boundaries. They are often the challenging part of handling relationships, and represent the line between you and others. Your sense of what this line is like in relation to specific people is a good place to start thinking about putting better boundaries in place for yourself. Managing boundaries can be an […]

Regulating Embodied Stress Using Breath & Movement

Although humans have evolved over time it’s worth looking to the fundamental survival mechanisms in our bodies and minds to understand how to manage stress, including traumatic stress. This is because our bodies automatically react to any kind of threats in our environment, including at unconscious levels. For people who have experienced significant and/or repeated […]